
A Rock and Roll Wedding

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Literature Text

A/N: Special notes about the fic and characters are in the description below.

A Rock and Roll Wedding

Crmsn sat on the edge of the bed, straightening his tie absently.  Sighing slightly he glanced up, his eyes soon moving back and forth as he tracked the person pacing in front of him.  "Rock, calm down."

"Calm down??"  Rock spun around on his heels, giving his friend a slightly wide-eyed look.  "Crmsn, I'm getting married today!  I won't be able to calm down for the next..."  He looked up as he did a quick count.  "...5 hours!"  He took a few more steps, then stopped and looked at himself in the mirror.  "Look at me, I'm a mess!.."

"That's because you didn't button your shirt, yet."  Crmsn gave a gentle chuckle, rising from the bed and walking over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he smiled softly.  "Rock...  I was like this before my own wedding with CB, you remember.  It'll be okay."  He tightened his hand slightly.  "Just...try, okay?  You're not helping anyone bouncing over the place."

"You're right."  Rock blinked at his harried reflection, and took in a shaky breath.  He let it out, repeating it a couple times.  "You''re right..."  He stepped away, bringing his hands up and running them through his hair.  "I've just gotta try and keep calm..."  Blinking, he stopped and let out a short cry, twisting around halfway.  "Crmsn--!"

"All the flowers have been arranged, all the guests have been notified and RSVPed," Crmsn started, rattling this off with the ease that comes with repeating it three times, "the food has been arranged, the rings have arrived, all of those with roles are doing their duties, and everything is happening as it should be."

"Okay."  Rock sighed slightly, counting on his fingers, then turning back.  "What about the flowers??"



"Well, that's done with."

"What?"  Trigger looked up from the table, watching Lan put away a phone, and move to sit down.

"Dad."  Lan gave a soft sigh, leaning on the table and resting his chin on his arms.  "It looks like he's going to be able to get away from work afterall."

"That's good," Trigger said with a smile.  "I doubt he'd want to miss this."  He leaned back in his chair, then looked over at the hallway as CB leaned in and looked at them, blushing.  "CB?  Is something wrong?"

"Well uhh..."  She coughed and glanced off, her fingers ticking nervously on the wall, before she looked back.  "Let me know if you guys see Legato, alright?  He...vanished again in protest of what he's going to be doing..."  She gave an uneasy laugh.  "Just....don't tell Rock or Roll, alright?  If Rock's anything like Roll is right now..."  CB gave a hesitant glance over her shoulder and swallowed softly.  "Then he's outta his mind with worry..."

"Don't worry, we'll grab Legato if we see him," Lan said, smiling slightly.  CB smiled thankfully and disappeared back down the hall, as Lan leaned back in his seat with a sigh.

"Remind me never to have a wedding."

Lan chuckled a little and looked across the table to Trigger.  "You never wanna get married?"

"I didn't say that," Trigger said with a slight smile, before he laughed a bit, "I just don't want to have to go through this."

"Amen," Lan said with a soft chuckle.

"If you two are done fooling around," a voice said suddenly, making them both jump, "then I believe Rock and Crmsn require your assistance."  Bass appeared nearby, giving them a somewhat thin look.

"Al...alright."  Lan swallowed softly and rose from his chair, Trigger following suit.  They both gave Bass a cautious glance as they moved around him, and ran on down the hallway.  Left alone, Bass smirked slightly to himself and vanished.


"Okay, is this everyone I asked for?"   CB glanced around those gathered around her in the livingroom, smiling a little at a somewhat chorused 'Yes'.  "Good."  She glanced down at a planner in her hands.  "Okay, Lan and Janken have been sent ahead to greet the guests already arriving, but the rest of us need to head off to the site, too."  Looking up, she scanned the crowd, then smiled slightly.  "Crmsn and Maylu will stay behind to bring Rock and Roll, seperately.  Crmsn, bring Rock at 1:30, Maylu with Roll at 2:00.  Understand?"  When the two of them nodded, CB gestured towards the door.  "Alright then, everybody else, outoutout~!"

Crmsn smiled slightly, waiting for the crowd to thin out before he walked over and gave his wife a kiss on the cheek.  "I'll see you soon, alright love?"

"Alright," CB said softly, turning and giving him a return kiss, on the lips.  She smiled.  "See you soon."  She turned slightly, then followed the others out.  As the door shut Crmsn sighed slightly, then turned and headed off down the hallway, Roll's Op trailing along a few steps behind.



"Nice, ain't it?"  CB chuckled slightly, coming up behind Odd.  Her voice caused him to turn about and he snickered slightly, nodding.

"Yeah, it's really pretty."  He looked back at the wedding site, a wide grassy space with a couple of trees, currently filled with floral designs of all sorts.  Twisted branches of roses formed archways at either side of the "aisle", which in and of itself was lined with benches that seemed to be made of highly polished wood.  A gossamer curtain hung from the archway across from the altar; the altar itself seemed to be made of fragile flower petals of all sorts, although it was actually quite sturdy.  Accenting all the right places were small crystals, pink and blue pairs surrounded by ribbons.  Music drifted through the air, although its source wasn't visible.  CB smiled slightly as she stepped up beside her friend, and laughed softly.

"Plantman and Crystalman helped, actually, in exchange for being guests."

"So that's who those two are," Odd said with a blink, gesturing towards a pair nearby, one wearing a light teal tux that matched his hair color, the other in an..ambiguous lavender pantsuit.  CB chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah."  She smirked slightly and started walking past.  "Don't worry, they promised to be good."  She walked on for a few steps, then stopped and turned.  "Let me know when Roll gets here?"

"Sure thing," Odd said, smiling.  CB returned the smile, then walked off to go talk to some of the guests.  Odd looked around for a few moments longer, before he blinked twice and straightened slightly at a crawling sensation up his spine.  Twisting about, he blinked twice and gave a slight surprised noise.

"Greetings," Serenade said with a soft chuckle.  Odd blinked a few times, turning to fully face the Underking, giving him a confused look.

"You... But... Aren't...."

"Megaman, and Roll, are friends of mine," Serenade said softly, smiling.  "I would not miss this for the world."  She gave a soft laugh, spreading his hands slightly to indicate the area around them.  "To be perfectly honest, Crmsn also asked me to come for...other reasons.  But for the most part, I am here as a guest."

"O..okay," Odd said with a blink.  He stepped back as the Navi walked past, and he watched her with a blink.  Sighing slightly, he turned and walked off to watch for the bride.


CB and Crmsn stood to one side, looking around at the guests in loose knots, talking amongst themselves.  Chuckling a little, CB glanced at her love and smiled.

"Ever thought you'd see the robot Roll and Trigger's Roll in the same place, talking with three different Megamen, at the Navi Roll's wedding?"

"It's a strange sight," Crmsn snickered.  He smiled slightly, then turned his head, watching someone slip to a seat in the back.  He blinked twice and elbowed CB lightly, pointing when she turned.  "Do you know who that is?"

CB glanced around, looking off the way he was pointing.  Sitting at the corner of the bench was a somewhat short figure, wearing a rose-colored longsleeved dress that came to just below her knees, and a matching wide-brimmed hat that her hair was tucked up in to, and that shielded most of her face.  She had on a necklace with a thin gold chain and a round pendant, though from where she was CB could tell little about it except that whatever the design was, it was backed by a light purple.  The girl raised her head slightly, her green eyes darting around before she lowered her head again, pulling down the hat some over her face.  Sighing slightly, CB looked back at Crmsn and shook her head.

"No idea.  She's young though, can't be more than 13..."  She gave him a soft look.  "Do we let her stay?"

"I think so," Crmsn said, smiling.  He gave her a soft kiss and chuckled a little.  "We've got security covered, so if she tries something she won't get far.  Besides, look how dolled up she got.  She wants to be here..."

"Yeah, true," CB said with a slight nod.  She watched the mysterious figure for a few moments longer before she turned as Odd approached her and Crmsn.

"She's here."

"Good."  CB smiled, then stepped forward and clapped her hands loudly a few times.  "Alright everyone, get to your places."

Rock swallowed lightly, looking over with a nervous glance.  He turned his head and smiled shakily when Trigger placed a hand on his shoulder.  He drew in a slow breath, then let it out and looked over at CB as she clapped again.

"Come on everyone, go."  She giggled a little and smiled.  "It's time."


Amid the light strains of music, Azureal stepped onto the altar, keeping his eyes closed as he turned to face everyone.  With him, having walked in from the sides, Maylu, Lan and Rock took their places.  Turning, Rock glanced over the assembled guests and smiled slightly before he closed his eyes and sighed.  He smiled as the curtain was drawn back.

Aelita and Trigger walked down the aisle first, followed by CB and Crmsn, the women carrying flowers.  Giving Rock small smiles, they took their places at the front and turned about to face the way they had come.  Young Deiji stepped after them, holding a cushy lavender pillow with silver bands attached to it with thread.  As he walked down he tried to look serious, though the decorations and people kept catching his eyes, making him turn his head with a blink.  Behind him was his brother, who made only a half-attempt at looking like he was happy to be the one dropping the flower petals.  The young lady sitting in the back brought her hand over her mouth, hiding a giggle at the sight of the children.  As the music shifted, she and the others turned to look at the curtained archway, and she smiled.  At the front, Rock shifted and stood straighter, resisting the urge to toy with the collar of his white attire, staring ahead as bride and escort stepped through the arch.  At the sight of her, his eyes widened and he let out a not-quite held back, quiet "Wow" as the pair began moving down the aisle.

Roll stepped down the aisle, wearing a deep pink dress that slightly hugged her form, though the bell of it widened around her legs, gently sweeping the ground as she walked.  The sides were slit, spaced apart with soft pink lace that was patterned with small, flower-like hearts.  The sleeves were the same, as was the veil that hung back from a flowered circlet she wore in her hair, and the upper part of the bodice, that truncuated with a pink collar around her neck.  Braided cords formed little arcs on either side of her waist, the ends attached to the dress with silk rosebuds, matching the bouquet she carried.  Her arm was linked with Bass's, who walked alongside her as they moved down the aisle.  Reaching the front, he slipped his arm from hers, although he gently held it as she stepped up onto the altar.  Blinking, Roll turned slightly and watched him move off to his seat, wondering if she imagined seeing a half-smile to her, from him.  She sighed slightly, silently, then turned and gave Rock a small smile and looked ahead as he did.  Letting go of the bouquet with her right hand, she lowered it and spread her fingers.  A moment later she closed them around Rock's hand as he placed it in hers, a soft squeeze passing between them.

"We are here today," Azureal began, "to join Roll Sakurai and Saito Hikari in a bond of love, that will hold them in each other's hearts for the rest of their lives.  They have been through many hardships, but have bore them all together, and shall continue to do so for eternity.  Let us celebrate their love, and be happy for them as they do the same."  He spread his hands slightly, looking to the two of them as they looked at each other.  "Speak the words to each other that you have lovingly crafted over these past few weeks, and be wed."

Rock drew in a slow breath, letting it out and smiling softly.  He gently took Roll's other hand as they faced each other, cupping it around hers.  "Roll..."  He stared at her and smiled.  "We have friends for a long time, ever since we first met 8 years ago.  Honestly, I..liked you almost from the first time I saw you."  He chuckled softly and smiled, blushing a little.  "And I am...very glad that the feelings have..blossomed so much, because you are the person I want to spend eternity with.  I love you eternally," his hands tightened gently around hers, "and I promise to always be there for you.  Always remember it, because it will always be true."

"I will," Roll said softly, smiling gently as she stared into his eyes, "because it always has been true.  You've always been there as a friend; boyfriend; fiancé and soon, now, husband."  She inhaled softly, closing her eyes for a moment, although the smile never dropped.  "You do so many great things, Rock."  She tightened her hand in his.  "And even in your biggest moments, you always remembered to make sure of my wellbeing, and make sure I was safe.  That's how I know that you'll always be there for me, because you always have been.  And I make a promise, right here, to always be there for you."  She moved a hand to gently brush away at a growing wetness under her eyes, and she swallowed softly before she spoke again.  "I could never do the type of things you do, Megaman.  But I'll always be there to try and help, to hold you when you're down, and to give you all of my love to keep you strong."  Rock blinked twice, then smiled and kissed her forehead, taking her hands in his again.  They smiled at each other, then turned as one when Azureal spoke again.

"The rings."  He took the box that Lan placed into his outstretched hand, and removed the bands inside, handing one each to the couple.  Rock smiled softly and looked at Roll, gently taking her left wrist.

"With this, I promise to always love and protect you," he said softly, looking at her as he slipped the ring on, "just as I know you'll always do for me, no matter what."  He cupped his hands around hers for a few moments, then held out his own when she held up the ring she was holding.  They shared a soft look as she slipped it on, and she cleared her throat before she spoke, feeling herself tear up again.

"I love you, Rock.."

"I love you too, my Roll-chan."

Azureal smiled softly at them, then drew in a breath to speak again.  "There are few couples that I know who have a bond as deep, and as pure as that between the two of you, and it is with great honor that I now pronounce you man and wife."  He drew his slightly spread hands together, smiling.  "You may kiss the bride."

Gently brushing his fingers along her cheek, Rock smiled at her and drew her into a kiss, closing his eyes as their lips connected.  With a soft sound, Roll wrapped an arm around him and drew him deeper into the loving action, their other hands remaining intertwined, as all around them erupted clapping and cheers of their gathered friends and family.  In the back, the mystery girl looked on with wobbly eyes, folding up her hands in front of her mouth as she smiled.  She closed her eyes tightly as tears fell down, and she sighed softly.

"So beautiful..."  She rose to her feet, joining the others in clapping as the pair began walking down the aisle, arm in arm.


The front door of the house opened and Rock stepped in, giving a soft kiss to the girl he held in his arms.  Roll giggled a little and smiled at him as they walked inside, her arms remaining around him even when he set her down.  She leaned forward, giving him a loving kiss in return, sharing a tight hug.

"Aww," Crmsn said softly, walking in with the others.  He chuckled a little and smiled at them.  "How does it feel?"

"I can barely believe it really happened."  Roll chuckled softly, leaning slightly into Rock as she glanced at Crmsn, and smiled.  "It still feels like one, big dream..."

"I know the feeling," CB remarked.  She giggled a bit and gave her love a soft kiss, smiling at him.  "I still feel like our marriage is one, big dream..."

"Aww."  Crmsn chuckled, and lightly poked her in the tip of the nose.  "Sappy, but aww~"

"Oh, like you've done better."  She blew a raspberry at him, causing a few chuckles around them.  She looked up with a blink, then glanced around.  "Oh, did anyone ever speak to that strange girl in the big hat?"

"Strange girl?" Rock asked, blinking.

"Yeah, there was someone at the wedding that no one knew," Crmsn replied.  He shrugged, and sighed lightly.  "I tried to catch her at the reception, but never could..."

"I did."  Lan glanced up in thought, lightly waving one finger.  "I remember asking her her name, but I don't think she gave me a real one."

CB and the others glanced at each other with a blink, before they looked at Lan.  "What was it?"


"...Cresh?"  Roll blinked a few times, her eyebrows furrowing.  "I think I've heard it before, but I don't remember wh--"  Suddenly she gave a sharp gasp, her eyes widening as her hand went over her mouth.  At almost the same moment, Rock stiffened, and CB and Crmsn shared a surprised look.  Confused, Lan glanced between the small group, blinking several times.

"What?  I don't get it..."

"She's a..distant family member," Rock said with a soft chuckle.  He smiled lightly, turning and giving Roll a light kiss.  "Although I don't get why she didn't talk to us."

"She probably couldn't," Crmsn stated.  "But it was still really sweet she was there."  The others nodded, although confused still, Lan just threw up his hands in defeat and walked away.  CB laughed softly and smiled.

"Congrats, you two."

"Thank you," Roll said, smiling softly.  She glanced at herself and chuckled softly, smiling.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I love this dress, but I'm going to go change."  She started walking, then stopped as an afterthought and turned slightly, holding out her hand with a smile.  Returning the smile, Rock placed his hand in hers, and walked off behind her.

"'Going to get changed'," Crmsn repeated, snickering a little.  He gave a short noise when CB gently elbowed him, and he glanced at her.

"They will get changed."  She smirked slightly.  "Eventually anyway."

"True."  Crmsn snickered softly, then smiled and hugged her close.  "That makes the second married couple in the house.  I wonder who's next?..."

"Cutman and Quickman."



Crmsn rolled his eyes, then chuckled and drew her close, giving her a deep, loving kiss.  When it parted, he smiled at her and sighed softly.  "Will you marry me?"

"Why yes good sir, I do believe I will," CB replied.  She chuckled lightly and smiled, then wrapped her arms tight around him as they kissed again.


Rock stared up in the darkness of their bedroom, watching the clock nearby change to 2 AM.  Drawing in a slow breath, he glanced down and smiled at the figure curled up against his side.

It really happened...  We got married...  He turned over, carefully, and swept his arms around her, pulling her closer as he closed his eyes.  I love you...  He softly kissed the top of her head, smiling as he nuzzled into her and gave a soft sigh, slipping off into sleep.  My Roll, my wife...

With past submissions like this pic or this one, I suppose it was inevitable that I'd put Roll and Rock's wedding down in some sort of text form. I've been wrestling with whether or not to upload this, actually, ever since I wrote it back in July XD; But I finally decided "What the hell?" and here we are. I apologize profusely for the title by the way, it was the best thing I could think of ^-^;;;;

Anyway, there's a couple characters in there that might not be recognized. First, Pup's character Azureal is in there; that's kind of an old pic but it gets the idea across. "Trigger" refers to Megaman Trigger/Volnutt from the Legends series, whom CB, Crmsn, and the others met on a few different occasions through convenient warps in time and space *snickers* Abstractly mentioned are also the Legends Roll and the Classic Roll, as well as Classic's Plantman and Crystalman. Serenade also makes a brief appearance; he met CB, Rock, Crmsn, and Bass during one RP we had a looonnnng time ago. And yes, the mixed pronouns are intentional xD

The reason Crmsn mentions security at the wedding is mostly a prevention against what happened at the last wedding that took place for house members; to put it short, Burnerman and Sparkman attacked during CB and Crmsn's own wedding XD; And lastly, regarding part of the end of the fic (I'm not telling you where XD ), all I'll say is "Eyes of Stone" and "Foreshadowing" and leave it at that XD

I realize the fic may be a bit rough, and the actions of a few characters might seem rather OOC for those who don't know them better, for one reason or another. But I hope the fic can be enjoyed anyway ^-^; ^^
© 2006 - 2024 ZumiDotEXE
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Shadowman144's avatar
Which Megaman and Roll is this?